Forbidden Archeology NewsFLASH

January 27, 2025

Issue No. 22

“When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace.” ― Jimi Hendrix

Dear Friends: AI and consciousness meet at the crossroads of quantum societal shift. Looking
forward to enhanced  quality communication in these challenging times ahead! –Lori Erbs, Newsflash Editor

To read this or previous Newsflash issues go to:

NEWS – Extreme Human Antiquity book release
FORTHCOMING EVENTS – Conscious Life Expo in Los Angeles
WEBSITES OF INTEREST: Academic Research 
MCREMO.COM  UPDATES – Travel Diary update: Tucson, Michigan
NEWS ROUNDUP – Statue of Buddha found in Egypt


Ancient America Conference  Michael Cremo was a keynote speaker at the Ancient Artifacts Preservation
Society meeting held Oct. 4-6th in Harris, Michigan
Extreme Human Antiquity Book Release  A new book by Michael A. Cremo entitled Extreme Human
Antiquity: Further Investigations into Forbidden Archeology
is scheduled for a February 2025 release – stay
tuned for updates


Michael Cremo at Conscious Life Expo  Michael Cremo offers a free lecture entitled Forbidden Archeology and the Consciousness Paradox from 8:00-9:30 pm on Sunday, February 9th at the Conscious Life Expo at the LAX Hilton. He will also participate in the Ancient Secrets Panel from 5:30-7:30 pm on Friday, February 7th and offer a book signing event from 2:45-3:15 pm on Saturday, February 8th  Details at:
Vote for Forbidden Archeology at the CLE Book Awards – deadline is Jan. 31st
Live Interview with George Noory on Coast to Coast Michael will discuss a new discovery – Homo Juluensis - on the Coast to Coast show Monday, January 27th from 10 pm – 12 midnight pacific time
Michael Cremo at New Living Expo  Join Michael Cremo for a free lecture on his new book, Extreme Human Antiquity and a workshop entitled Groundbreaking Perspectives: Decoding Archeological Reports at the New Living Expo: Exploring Human Consciousness in San Rafael May 9-11th   Visit:

WEBSITES OF INTEREST_______________________________________________________________________________

Academic Research   Powerful search engine with access to more than 100 million scientific
documents, 70% of which are free updates__________________________________________________________________________________


New and updated links at

Michael Cremo’s Travel Diary – Keynote lecture in Harris, Michigan, Science of Consciousness Conference in Tucson and
Evolution 2025 Conference in Florida

<>Forthcoming and Archived interviews:   Earth Ancients with Cliff Dunning, Rense Radio with Jeff Rense and more

Review Michael’s travel schedule at:

Michael Cremo Media: Michael Cremo book sets available! Complete sets of books are available for a limited time discount
of $100.00 – includes The Hidden History of the Human Race, Forbidden Archeology’s Impact, Human Devolution, The
Forbidden Archeologist and My Science, My Religion. Order at:


Statue of Buddha Found in Egypt
A Polish-American archaeological mission uncovered a high-quality, standing statue of Siddhartha Gautama, aka The Buddha, in the Red Sea port of Berenike in the southeast coast of Egypt. Complete story at: berenike-egypt/

Archeological Discoveries at Gobekli-tepe 
Ongoing excavations at Gobekli Tepe and Karahan Tepe have unveiled remarkable artifacts, including intricately carved stone pillars, dating back 11,000 years.  Full story: karahan-tepe/


Most of the world's people now live live in places where they cannot see the full awe inspiring spectacle of a night sky full of
numberless glittering stars and glowing planets. That's because of light pollution from the many sources of artificial light and
the haze of air pollution. With the celestial objects obscured we focus on our smart phone screens. We lose our sense of
connection to the wider cosmos, and cease to wonder how it all came to be. Our sense of reality becomes restricted to our
limited sphere of material experience. If you get the chance, get away from light pollution on a clear moonless night and do
some star gazing. An intelligence beyond artificial intelligence is needed to manifest a universe like ours in which all the
natural elements and forces are finely tuned for life to exist. But the origin of our ability to be aware of experiencing something
remains an unsolved problem in science. It's a paradox how sentient consciousness was produced by the insentient material
elements. My talk at the Conscious Life Expo in LA is going to be about the paradox of consciousness and human origins.


FORUM: Comrades in the Evolution Revolution

Letters to


Hello once again. I have been looking deeply into research regarding human fossils, which includes your book, a great asset!
Actually I am collecting material from anywhere I can find to build and present in a concise way the real history of human evolution,
how it was first imagined and forced on everyone and how the fossils were "found" and interpreted just according to their wishes.
Please outline your take on this in several points, noting critical events. Importantly I was going to ask your thoughts on this: from
the time of Darwin, Africa was designated as the original site for early ape men. Then why and how was this paradigm shifted to
Asia (Java, Peking, etc.) and then back to Africa? Thanks and really appreciate your work! Regards.


Michael Cremo responds:

After the introduction of Darwin's theory of evolution in 1859, scientists began searching for a missing link connecting modern
humans with ancient apes, which were seen as the common ancestor of modern humans and modern apes. Some thought the
place to look was Africa. But they were digging everywhere. However, they were not finding intermediates between ancient apes
and modern humans. They were finding evidence for humans existing up to millions of years ago. Then in the early 1890s Dutch
researcher Eugene Dubois found the first missing link, Java Man, a variety of Homo erectus. Java Man was less than a million
years old. So modern humans had to come much later (300,000 years is the current estimate). So attention shifted to Asia.
William Diller Matthew wrote in his book Climate and Evolution (1911) that Asia was the center of dispersal for humans and their
ancestors. In the 1920s, attention shifted back to Africa with the discovery of Australopithecus in South Africa. Australopithecus
was considered older than and ancestral to Homo erectus. But if one looks at all the evidence the pattern that emerges is
coexistence of humans with various hominins, not evolution. The fossil record shows that in addition to humans other creatures
have existed for hundreds of millions of years unchanged. There are other problems with the idea that humans are a product of
evolution from an original single-celled organism. The origin of this single-celled organism from chemicals is currently unexplained,
as is the origin of the different body plans of organisms. Another unsolved problem is the origin of consciousness.


Chert artifacs

Send us your stories about anomalous discoveries We are looking for solid, well-documented evidence, but all accounts are welcome.

Send to:


The information presented here is not necessarily endorsed by Michael Cremo or the Forbidden Archeology Newsflash editor.  All material is shared  in the spirit of open and free inquiry.

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To see these and other amazing artifacts please visit the Anomalies webpage:



Greetings, I have collected and studied over 3000 Chert and quartz artifacts from the same spot that strongly resemble Neanderthal technology. There are at least 6 specific lithic parallels. It’s rather obvious. However, since it is considered impossible by the archaeologists; I can’t get any response. This Assembly has given up many secrets. It completely destroys the Knapping paradigm; and connects many different Cultures, with both lithic technology and Cultural Symbols. Basically, it shows that advanced technology was used to make many if not most of our stone artifacts. They could slice and cut Chert; and they could melt it. The technology is very distinct and very consistent. I have the specimens. I would like to share photos and information. I also would like to know if there is any lithic specialist or archaeologist out there that is brave enough to buck the paradigm. I can’t find any. Except you. Thanks, and keep up the great work!
Austus Mosley

Michael Cremo response:
Being involved in alternative archeology can be a lonely experience, especially if you are trying to influence mainstream professional archeologists. The best way to do that is probably to get a degree in archeology and work within their profession. But short of that you at least can be aware of their research methods and standards of evidence. Actually, whether you are trying to interest mainstream or alternative archeologists, you have to know your audience. For the alternative archeology audience you might find it useful to attend a conference like the ones put on by the Ancient Artifact Preservation Society…or you could look at the newsletters of the Pleistocene Coalition. You can send me a few…pictures of your specimens, and I will tell you what I think, which may be positive or negative.

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