The Cambrian age of
the Purple Sandstone, which contains trilobites, was generally undisputed. But
there were various opinions about the age of the Salt Range Formation, usually
found beneath the Purple Sandstone. W. Christie, chemist for the Geological
Survey of India, held that the Salt Range Formation was not of igneous origin,
as proposed by C.S. Middlemiss, of the Geological Society of India. He found it
to be a normal sedimentary deposit, produced by evaporation of seawater. Murray
Stuart agreed with Christie that the Salt Range Formation was a normal sedimentary
deposit. According to Stuart, the salt deposits in the salt range and Kohat
regions were both of early Cambrian or Precambrian age. He proposed that
originally both the Kohat and Salt Range Formation salt deposits had been
covered by Paleozoic and Mesozoic layers. At Kohat, an overthrust had stripped
the Paleozoic and Mesozoic layers away, and then the Eocene limestones were
deposited atop the Cambrian or Precambrian Kohat salt. But in the Salt Range
Mountains the Cambrian or Precambrian salt deposits remained covered with
Paleozoic and Mesozoic layers. |