Entrance to the Khewra Mine
The apparent conflict between the geological and
paleobotanical evidence can be resolved by adopting the approach taken by Gee,
who proposed that an advanced land flora and insect fauna may have existed in
the Cambrian or Precambrian. Although this perspective challenges accepted
views on the evolution of life on earth it seems to be the most reasonable way
to bring all categories of evidence into harmony.
Paleobotanical and geological evidence from the
Salt Range in Pakistan suggests that advanced plants, including gymnosperms and
angiosperms, as well as insects, existed in the early Cambrian, consistent with
historical accounts in the Puranic literature. When considered in relation to
extensive evidence for an anatomically modern human presence extending back to
the same period, the evidence from the Salt Range suggests the need for a
complete reevaluation of current ideas about the evolution of life on earth. |