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Forbidden Archeology *************** News FLASH

Statue of Buddha Found in Egypt

Berenike, Egypt (April 27, 2023) A Polish-American archaeological mission uncovered a high-quality, standing statue of Siddhartha Gautama, aka The Buddha, in the Red Sea port of Berenike in the southeast coast of Egypt, which they have dated to c. 90-140 CE. Full report at: 

New Archeological Discoveries at Gobekli-tepe

(September 20, 2024)
Ongoing excavations at Gobekli Tepe and Karahan Tepe have unveiled remarkable artifacts, including intricately carved stone pillars, dating back 11,000 years. Complete story at:
Michael Cremo Wins Pioneer Award

Los Angeles (February 7, 2025) Michael Cremo accepted the Pioneer Award at the Conscious Life Expo for "breaking boundaries in archeology and human evolution."

Extreme Human Antiquity Book Release
Los Angeles (February 2025) Michael A. Cremo's newest book, Extreme
Human Antiquity, will be released February  2025. He will speak about Forbidden Archeology and the Consciousness Paradox
at the Los Angeles Conscious Life Expo at 8 pm on Sunday, February 9th. Registration link at:

Book Release

Michael Cremo's Academic Papers

Los Angeles November 16, 2012 is the release date for Michael A. Cremo's newest work entitled My Science, My Religion . A collection of 24 papers that he has presented at academic conferences over the past 18 years, this collection offers a rare perspective of his synthesis of science and religion.

Order a copy of My Science, My Religion and opt to receive a
FREE Bhagavad-Gita book!
To order copies please visit:

Michael Cremo makes worldwide headlines

Reactions to Forbidden Archeology
range from glowing praise...

"One of the landmark intellectual achievements of the late 20th century"
Graham Hancock, author of Fingerprints of the Gods caustic ridicule

"Your book is pure humbug and does not deserve to be taken seriously
by anyone but a fool"
Richard Leakey, Anthropologist

Mr. Cremo's book has certainly turned the heads of the Scientific Establishment. After NBC?s Mysterious Origins of Man television special aired in 1995, Academia exploded in protest, lobbying the FCC to ban NBC and its sponsors from the airwaves. However, it is significant that censorship attempts failed to prevent the first program of its kind from broadcasting alternative views on human evolution via a major television network.

British Journal for the History of Science, Journal of Field Archeology, Social Studies of Science, Antiquity, and others.


"Atlantis Rising"
Review of Forbidden Archeology's Impact - November 1998

"Internet Bookwatch"
Review of Forbidden Archeology's Impact- August 1998

"Public Understanding of Science"
Review of Forbidden Archeology's Impact - January 1999

Review of Forbidden Archeology's Impact - September 1999

Controversial Findings Excavated by
the Authors of Forbidden Archeology

*We did not evolve from apes

*Abundant evidence against human evolution has been ignored

*Scientists cheat on a massive scale

*Museum displays use propaganda in promoting falacious ideas to the public

*Human beings were around before the time of the dinosaurs

*Signs of civilization have been found that are millions of years old

*Textbooks are inaccurate

